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#T.E.A.C.H. offers the equivalent of 14.76 college credit hours (Elementary & Secondary Certifications), 12.6 college credit hours (Lower Elementary PK-3), 13.16 college credit hours (Upper Elementary 3-6), 17.80 college credit hours (K-12 Certifications) and 33 college credit hours (Special Education).


Our general education programs offers courses

in the following areas:

  • Child Development or Child Psychology

  • Family and Community Relationships

  • Diverse Learners

  • Instructional Strategies

  • Teaching Methods

Our Special Education Program offers the following


  • Special Education Law

  • Identifying Students for Service

  • Individualized Education Program

  • IEP Meetings

  • Learning Team Communication

  • Accommodations and Modifications

  • Assistive Technology

  • Transition Services

  • Maintaining Student Records

  • Concentration Courses (EI, CI, LD, POHI)

Additionally, in response to new MDE requirements, we also offer two courses in Restorative Practices. Michigan law now requires districts to consider the use of restorative practices, especially when there are verbal and physical conflicts, bullying, theft, damage to property, class disruption, harassment and cyberbullying.


By engaging teachers new to the profession in this training, they will be prepared to comply with the new law. More importantly, however, the teacher will be able to effectively reduce suspensions and focus on teaching the student who misbehaved how to "repair the harm" that he or she caused.

All courses are self-paced and must be completed within 13 months. However, depending on your commitment, dedication and time availability, they can be completed sooner. 

When you download the course lists below, please note that the number listed in the "hours" column represents "actual" hours.  So if a course says 10 hours, then it should take about 10 hours to complete the course. Some may finish sooner and some later, but the completion time should be somewhere in that range.

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